Deep Insight and Vision
When I was 15 years old I received deep insight and became hyperaware of the patterns of human interaction with nature. Because there is not a better word for this in the English language, I call this a “Vision”. This deep insight and the accompanying images occurred within my mind but me but also seemed to be projected from the outside – coming down from up above. This Vision shook me to the core of my being and has dictated the path of my life ever since.
Through this moment of insight I, for the first time, recognized people’s separation from the Earth and the devastating consequence it has. I was shown the account of the human race in its pursuits and exploration of this world. At first this exploration was healthy in many ways and nature remained in balance. But due to specific factors over time a separation between humans and the natural world began. Then I was shown the current state of humanity with all its materialism and disconnection from nature. The changes in quality of life on every level had greatly diminished.
Finally I was shown the probable future….. and I can promise you that it was not enjoyable. I saw the ocean polluted and the great masses of fish dying, the skies brown and sick then opening up pouring searing sun light down upon the scorched land and animals. Fresh water sources dried up. The birds falling from the skies; dead in mid-flight. The animals succumbing to sickness and abandoning traditional ranges, suddenly migrating to the north. Crops failed and insects began to carry new diseases, deadly to humans. Then the starvation began….
As the Vision continued I witnessed the devastation that humans reaped upon the natural word was then sown. Industrialization, technology, chemistry was useless in preventing this outcome; as a matter of fact it was our dysfunctional use of these modern gifts that was RESPONSIBLE for these events. I will not go into the details but eventually the cities were vacant and what was left of a sick population was reduced to scavengers in the dark, hunting and eating anything they came across.
Connecting to Nature
This Vision occurred in in 1988. It is now 2013 and many of the events I beheld in my Vision have already come to pass, and are still unfolding. The oceans, land, water and air is polluted. New disease immerge every year, animal mass death is everywhere. The skies are damaged. Humans are locked into a cycle of abuse that seems inescapable. There is a great sadness in my heart because the warnings are continually ignored. If you want to know what a Mass Extinction Event looks like go outside and look around. Feel it in your bones. We all know this. Is it too late?
When I was 15 and saw all of this I said “What can we do to prevent this?”, “What are the options?” It was then that I was shown that the answer lies in people’s connection to nature. I was shown that there are techniques for people to come back into alignment with the natural creation. What I’ve come to term Advanced Connection Practices and Techniques. I was shown that these still exist!
After this experience I went into nature and began to seek more understanding of this Vision. I eventually began to ask for a human teacher to show me more about these Advanced Connection Practices. Within a few months a Yuwipi healer from the Oglala Sioux Tribe was standing at my doorstep. My teacher had arrived.
The first connective technique I was introduced to is a purification rite called the Inipi. The Inipi is a powerful Advanced Connection Practice which cleanses, empowers and re-connects a person to the fundamental elements of life.
My mentor and his family began to teach me everything there was to know about this Advanced Connection Practice. Over time I formed a very deep and loving relationship the Inipi. Repeatedly, I’ve witnessed its power to heal, transform, and bring people back to healthy relationship with the Earth.
It Belongs to All People
One of my mentor’s main teachings about the Inipi is that is belongs to “ALL PEOPLE!” He would say, “The Inipi is one of the 4 gifts given to all human beings, and its purpose is to bring about purification and change.” He was one of the first indigenous healers to bring this gift back to the descendants of those who lost it a long time ago. He did this even against the suppression and judgment of his own people.
Now I continue this healing work which my Mentor started. I travel all across this world teaching about these Advanced Connection Practices, with the heart felt desire and hope that human beings can once again come back to balance with the Earth, each other, and themselves before it is too late.
There are many people who claim to be “righteous” who have been severely traumatized by colonization and say that teaching people this understanding isn’t right. That these techniques should be hidden from sight, practiced in secret and only with a select few who are “worthy”. To them I ask, look within and find the reason for your fear.
Look around you and perhaps recognize that we are running out of time. If you are using these connective techniques to heal people from the Disconnection Sickness then you will know what I’m speaking about, and if you do then we need to be working together.
Let us heal together, work together, and build a better life for our children together. Remember that we are just one strand in a great web which is ringed in the Hoop of Life. Let’s rediscover what that means!